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Celeriac Medallions with Roasted Garlic White Bean Purée and Figs

Makes: 15-20

Prep time: 25 minutes

Cook time: 40 minute


1 large celeriac

3 tbsp rapeseed oil

1 tsp salt and black pepper

1 whole garlic bulb

1 tbsp oil

Pinch of salt

1 can cannellini beans

100ml good quality olive oil

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

Salt and white pepper

6-8 figs

4 tbsp maple syrup

Micro herbs (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C. Peel the celeriac and rinse any dirt off. Slice the celeriac into 1inch thick slices then take a 2-3cm circular cutter and punch out as many disks as you can. Bag and freeze the rest to add to a soup for later.

  2. Slice the top off the whole bulb of garlic so a little of the flesh of each clove is exposed. Pour over the tablespoon of oil and sprinkle with salt.

  3. Arrange the celeriac disks on a foil lined baking sheet and drizzle with and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes before adding the garlic build and roasting for another 20 minutes.

  4. Cut the figs into quarters or eighths, depending on size and arrange on a small lined baking tray. Drizzle over the maple syrup and add them to the oven for the last 10 minutes of the celeriac cooking time. Remove all and allow both to cool.

  5. To make the bean purée, drain the beans through a sieve, catching the liquid in small bowl underneath. Push the roasted garlic cloves out of the bulb and lightly crush under the flat of a knife.

  6. Add the beans to a blender along with the garlic and lemon juice and zest. Run the blender on low and slowly drizzle in the olive oil until you have a fairly smooth paste. If its still a little dry and chunky for your taste drizzle in a few tablespoons of the reserved bean liquid. Taste the purée, season to taste and decant into a piping bag.

  7. To assemble; arrange the celeriac on a serving platter. Snip the tip off the piping bag so there is around a 1cm hole and pipe a small amount of the pureé onto each medallion. Top each with a slice of fig and a micro herb, if using.



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