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Mango Bavarois with Lime Sorbet, White Chocolate Cream, Almond Crumble & Meringue

Serves 6

Prep time 1 hour

Cook time 1.5 hours, plus cooling, freezing and setting time

This is one of those recipes that takes a little bit more time and attention than others on my website but it's a great way to impress your guests. You need to start it the day before you want to serve it as the meringue, bavarois and sorbet need time to set. Also I have used a fair amount of kitchen gadgets in this recipe so I have provided a list of the more unusual ones.

Special equipment:

Ice cream machine

Silicone baking mat

Dehydrator (optional)


High speed blender

3cm half sphere silicone moulds



75g of caster sugar

75g of icing sugar

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

2 lime, zest only

Lime sorbet

200g caster

300ml lime juice


200g mango puree, made by blending the flesh of 1 ripe mango

80g golden caster sugar

3 egg yolks

12g powdered gelatine

120ml double cream

Almond crumble

80g soft butter

75g golden caster sugar

1 egg white

75g plain flour

1/2 tsp vanila.

50g almond meal

20g chopped almonds

White chocolate cream

120ml Cream

120g White chocolate

1 tsp Vanilla

1 firm mango, flesh chopped into small dice


  1. Start with the sorbet; combine the sugar with 300ml of water in a small saucepan and heat to dissolve the sugar. Add the lime juice and allow to cool to room temperature before you churn in an ice cream machine. Transfer into a small tupperwear and freeze for at least 3 hours.

  2. For the bavarois, put the mango puree, egg yolks and caster sugar in a small pan and whisk together. Gentle warm it until it reaches 80°C on a thermometer, storing constantly. Whilst this is happening, soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes, then squeeze out the excess water and add to the mango mix, stirring to dissolve. Blend the mix in a Nutribullet or similar blender and allow to cool to room temperature.

  3. While the mango mix is cooling, whip the cream to soft peaks. Once the mix has reduced in temperature to 40°C gently fold in the cream until completely combined and pour into the silicone moulds, placed on a baking tray or chopping board, levelling the tops with a cake spatular. Put this in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours or until you are ready to serve.

  4. If you are using the oven for the meringue rather than a dehydrator, preheat it to 90°C. Put the egg whites in a spotlessly clean bowl (preferably the bowl of a stand mixer or use a handheld electric whisk) and add the caster sugar and sieve in the icing sugar and cream of tartar. Finely grate in the zest of 1 lime. Whisk the mix for around 5 minutes until the meringue holds stiff peaks.

  5. Using a spatular, spread the meringue onto the silicone mats if using the oven or onto the trays lined with cling film if you’re using a dehydrator, to around 3mm thick. Finely grate over the zest of the remaining lime and put in the warmed oven or into the dehydrator set to around 60°C. Dry for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight then remove and snap into shards and store in a tupperwear until you are ready to serve

  6. Preheat the oven to 160°C. Using and electric whisk, carefully beat the sugar and butter together until pale and creamy. Add the egg white and beat to a smooth mix. Add the almonds, almond meal, vanilla and sift in the flour and a pinch of salt. Stir the mix with a spatular to combine and spread thinly on a silicone mat set on a baking tray. Transfer to the oven and bake for 25 minutes, turning the tray half way through. Once cool, crumble between your fingers and set aside until ready to serve.

  7. To make the white chocolate cream, warm the cream in a small bowl set over pan of simmering water (ensure the water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl). Add the chocolate and the vanilla and stir until the chocolate has melted. If it doesn’t completely melt you can put in a blender for a minute. Scrape the cream mix into a piping bag and set aside to cool to room temperature.

  8. To serve, take the sorbet out of the freezer and allow to warm a little for 10 minutes whilst you do the rest. Carefully remove the bavarois from the moulds onto a chopping board. Using a cake spatular, transfer 2 domes onto each plate. Chop a small amount off the piping bag and gently squeeze a few drops of the chocolate cream and 3-4 shards of the meringue around the bavarois. Arrange some of the cubed mango around the plate. Finally, carefully add a line of the almond crumble to one side of the plate and place a quenelle of the sorbet on top.



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